Thursday, November 10, 2016

Preface by the Publisher Robert J. Kelder to the True crime "Dead End Street"

Note: This preface is not identical with the translation of the preface of the Dutch version of this book Doodlopende weg that also appeared on this blog. It has been enriched with various links and other indications in between square brackets to further reading matter.

The original Dutch version of this true crime was first presented on November 2, 2012 by the publisher Robert J. Kelder during a public commemoration in front of the monument The Scream raised in honor of Theo van Gogh and dedicated to the principle of free speech in a park in Amsterdam East. The presentation consisted of a filmed reading of several chapters from this reality novel and took place not far from the scene where exactly 8 years earlier Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered by the Moslem fundamentalist Mohammed Bouyeri. This public presentation on 2/11, as this ominous date has since become known in The Netherlands as our own 9/11, in the form of readings from the book was continued the next two years. In spite of a Dutch and this English blog, press releases to the media, YouTube documentaries of the public readings, letters to political persons and parties and other concerted means to make the startling revelations from this book known to the general public, no attention at all was given to it, no outcry of indignation ensued.

Because of this “conspiracy of silence”, it was therefore decided to not simply present more readings, but to accuse the Dutch government i.e. its department of Justice of obstruction of justice.  This serious charge was mounted during the commemoration on November 2, 2015, but also this was to no avail. An edited and enlarged version of this speech under de subtitle “How the Cover-Up Culture of the Dutch Government and Media Prevents a Proper Course of Justice in the Murder Case of Theo Van Gogh” can be read in the epilogue [also on this blog] immediately after the text proper of this book

This epilogue answers to some extent the questions posed by the writer Dusan Tesic Lužanski in his letter to his friend and countryman Slobodan Mitric that may be read in the Foreword II [and on this blog] “Can the Rise of Islamization in Europe Still Be Halted?”, namely, “Do the Dutch people realize what is happening to them? And what is the official response to your book?” The Dutch people and the world at large do not realize what is truly happening to them, because they are withheld the truth, no official person or institute has, after all, made any attempt to investigate the charges that are brought forward in this novel or, for that matter, in any other of the books by Slobodan Mitric that are listed in the previous pages and in the appendix. 

The stirring wake-up call that Dr. Prof. Rade Bozovic in his Foreword I “Does a Dead End Street Have an Exit After All?” sees in this novel [also to be found in this blog] cannot ring out and be heard, because it is nipped in the bud, and so the possibility of a ray of hope, which he offers to illuminate a way out of the dead end street in which humanity has manoeuvred itself seems nothing more than a futile exercise, bound to end up in complete and utter despair.

But behold, the last two items in the appendix of this book indicate that there may still be light at the end of the tunnel after all, for a long academic and ecclesiastical “conspiracy of silence” in this regard has finally been broken.

The first item of interest in appendix V is entitled “Can the Rise Of Islamization Still Be Halted?“ and introduces new results of inspiring spiritual research from the book How the Grail Sites Were Found –Wolfram von Eschenbach as a Historian by Werner Greub concerning a legendary yet historic figure, named William of Orange, the Franconian founder of the original House of Orange, a staunch defender of Celtic Christianity and immortalized in the epic poem Willehalm by the German poet-knight Wolfram von Eschenbach. After having converted an Arabian princess while imprisoned in Spain to Christianity, who later became his second wife Arabel or Guiborg, this paladin of Charlemagne and supreme commander of the Carolingian army in the southern flank of the empire was not only instrumental in halting the invasion from Spain by the marauding Moors, thereby preventing the Islamization of Europe, but he afterwards also played a leading role in the coronation of Parzival as King of the Grail. Here the stuff of legends becomes history, presenting us with the challenge of continuing the struggle of our forefathers in the face of the current wave of Islamization, but this time above all by spiritual means instead of military might with the conversion of Princess Arabel as an inspiring historical precedence..  

This is dealt with in Appendix VI. It concerns a petition submitted in 2014 to the present King William-Alexander of Orange Nassau, Grand Master of the military Willems-Orde (William Order), who according to the Dutch constitution is the only one privileged to found a new chivalric order.  The petition, further motivated in 2015 and 2016,  entails a formal request to institute a Civilian Willehalm Order of Knights of the Word as a supplement to the Military Order of Knights of the Sword, which in 1815 was also appropriately named after Willehalm or William of Orange, because the latter was canonized in 1066 as the patron saint of Christian knights. Its mission would be to promote and defend what the Austrian philosopher and visionary Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) has characterized as The New Christianity, the inspirational source in the spiritual world of the humanities, anthroposophy or science of the Grail. This includes not only the whole-sale reformationof the world economy, the just governance of our Mother Earth as the body of Christ, and the humanization of all disciplines of  science and art, but also the loyal defense of the knowledge-based New Christianity against its challengers, such as the present Muslim faith based solely on an authoritarian, also cruel and deceitful deity named Allah (as some of his 99 names in the Koran indicate) – a fallen Elohim, a cosmic rebel, who can in no way be compared to God the Father, because God the Son and the Holy Spirit constitute after all no part of him. This in stark contrast to the true, triune Christianity of a Christian Rosenkreutz and Master Jesus that, as e.g. has come to light during the celebrations this year (2016) in this country commemorating the 500th anniversary of the death of the arch heretic and Rosicrucian painter Hieronymus Bosch [in the Bosch trilogy  The Painting by Hieronymus Bosch 'The garden pf Heavenly Joys In the Light of the Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz by Catharina Barker], is the synthesis of all 12 world religions that will as such in time also embrace a Christianized Muslim faith, when Allah has made amends with God the Father...

CAN THE ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE STILL BE HALTED? Press release from the Willehalm Order of Knights of the Word (i.s.n.)

As was announced in a lengthy press release on October 26 from the Willehalm Order of Knights of the Word (i.s.n.) with the title “Can The Islamization Of Europe Still Be Halted?”, the true crime Dead End Street – Why the Dutch Secret Service Murdered Their Top Secret Service Agent Theo van Gogh by Slobodan R. Mitric was presented by the publisher Robert J. Kelder during the yearly commemoration on November 2 of the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, committed by an ostensibly lone Islamic fundamentalist named Mohammed Bouyeri on November 2, 2004.

As was similarly announced in a press release on October 31, the monument The Scream, which was erected in an Amsterdam park in memory of the murdered knight of the free word, and in front of which the presentation took place, was proclaimed Speakers Corner of the Netherlands. During the English part of the commemoration, which followed the Dutch part, the last segment of the epilogue written by the publisher under the title  “Obstruction of Justice - How the Cover-Up Culture of the Dutch  Government and Media Prevents a Proper Course of Justice in the Murder Case of Theo Van Gogh” was read. The whole English book presentation was  filmed by Nico van den Dam under far from ideal circumstances. Next to the previous Dutch part of the commemoration., it can now be seen on YouTube

As was stated in Appendices V and VI of the book, obviously no final, clear-cut answer to the troubling question raised in the title was given. Instead, the beginning of a two-fold direction was indicated in the course of which such an answer may be found. Further seminal indications in this direction are planned under the auspices of the proposed Willehalm Order of Knights of the Word (the abbreviation i.s.n. refers to in status nascendi). In 2014, a petition was submitted to Dutch king Willem-Alexander to institute such a civil order with its mission to advance and protect the faith and knowledge based New Christianity propounded by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in his profound Karma lectures here in Arnhem in 1924 for members of the Anthroposophical Society, as being the source of inspiration in the spiritual world of anthroposophy. Since then, the Willehalm Order has already organized a number of public manifestations in various places in The Netherlands. More are to come.   
Note: The book Dead End Street can be ordered for €14,95 in any (Dutch) bookstore by mentioning the ISBN/EAN:  978-90-73932-24-1 or by sending an email to after which an order for payment by PayPal will be sent (for customers in Europe the cost price is € 17.95, beyond Europe € 19.95). The e-book can be ordered through the same channel for € 5.00. Contact:; Tel. + 31(0)20-6944572