Monday, October 31, 2016

Free Speech Monument The Scream Devoted to Theo van Gogh To Be Turned Into the Speakers Corner of The Netherlands

Cultural Press Release of the Willehalm Order of Knights of the Word (i.s.n.)

Amsterdam, October 31, 2016 – During the public commemoration of the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on November 2 at the monument The Scream, raised in his honor as a champion of Free Speech, this spot in a park in Amsterdam East will be “baptized” into the Speakers Corner of The Netherlands. This is what het actually has been to some extent already since the monument was erected in 2007 in the presence of those very politicians who, according to the true crime Dead End Street, had decided that Theo had to be sacrificed for the greater good. Those who cannot attend this commemoration, but want to support this proposed idea for a Speakers Corner can do so by signing a petition to this effect to the municipal government of Amsterdam.

In the Dutch part of this event also Alexandra, chief redactor of the website, will speak on behalf of the well-known beleaguered whistle blower Micha Kat on the topic of what the Demmink-case  would have looked like if Theo van Gogh had not been murdered.  During the following English part beginning around 4 PM one of the organizers, the publisher Robert J. Kelder will present the English version of the true crime Dead End Street – Why the Dutch Secret Service Murdered Their Top Secret Service Agent Theo van Gogh by Slobodan R. Mitric (Karate Bob) and originally published in Dutch aDoodlopende wegHe will do so under the title “Can the Islamization of Europe Still Be Halted?” as an initiative of the Willehalm Knights of the Word (i.s.n.).

For more information see the press release dated October 26 on this blog. The Dutch version can be read here.

1 comment:

  1. One of the politicians mentioned in the book as responsible for the decision to let the Islamic mob go their way and murder Theo van Gogh and who spoke at the unveiling of the monument was the then mayor Job Cohen. This wat is written on a reliable source on the internet about his address on the eve of the murder (in my translation from the Dutch) about his : "On november 2, 2004 cineast Theo van Gogh was murdered on the Linneausstraat in Amsterdam. During that very evening there was a noise demonstratie and commemoration on Dam Square. Ten thousand people gathered on the Square and following an appeal by mayor Job Cohen, made a cabal with flutes, pots and pans. Cohen addressed the people: ‘An Amsterdammer was murdered. You fight with the pen and if need be as far as a judge. But never take the law in your own hands.Theo van Gogh was silenced. That we don't accept." If this is not the height of hypocrisy (based on the credible assumption that what Slobodan Mitric has written about the bugged conversation in the mayor's residence is true), then I do not know what is. That it indeed must be true, is the fact that unfortunately no charges for libel against the author or me as the publisher have been raised. For if there were, Slobodan could have come forward in a cour of law with his evidence to prove his case...
